Entertainment / Sports
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Entertainment / Sports

City-Yuwa Partners provides a wide range of legal services for entertainment and sports businesses, including music, digital distribution, fictional characters, games,  influencer marketing, social networking, publicity and other rights of athletes, and sports sponsorships.  In addition to counseling and documentation, City-Yuwa also represents entertainment and sports clients in significant transactions including mergers and acquisitions, and litigation, mediation and other dispute resolution.

Attorneys handling this practices


Legal support for the establishment of a joint venture for food entertainment that combines the character licensing business with restaurant business
A member of the Sports Integrity Subcommittee of the Sports Council of the Sports Agency in the development of a governance code for sports organizations.
A special member of the Third-Party Consultation and Investigation Committee on Violence in Sports Coaching, etc. of the Japan Sport Council (JSC), an independent administrative agency.
An arbitrator for the Japan Sports Arbitration Agency.
A member of Legal Commission of International Federation.
A board member of Japanese National Federation.
Provided advice to a sponsor of motor sports with respect to rights of publicity and copyrights.
Legal support for listed companies that develop marketing using IP contents such as characters and animations
Comprehensive legal support for a start-up company providing drone shows

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