Bankruptcy and Restructuring
Attorneys handling this practices
Matsuda, KojiPartner
Sawano, MasaakiPartner
Ide, KeisukePartner
Takumi, YukihiroPartner
Asada, KiyoshiPartner
Suzuki, YoshikazuPartner
Tanaka, HideyukiPartner
Horimoto, HiroyasuPartner
Nabika, HirosatoPartner
Furukawa, KazunoriPartner
Kim, CholminPartner
Matsuo, SotaroPartner
Morita, TaketomoPartner
Mizutani, KojiPartner
Hagiwara, YoshitakaPartner
Aoki, ShotaroPartner
Kobayashi, MasatsuguPartner
Shibuya, YoheiPartner
Ohtake, TakashiOf Counsel
Nakagawa, AkikoCounsel
Kasai, KaorukoAssociate
Kaneko, YumaAssociate
Kitaoka, SatoshiAssociate
Appointed as a trustee in the corporate reorganization proceedings for THE JAPAN GENERAL ESTATE CO., LTD. (debt: 197.5 billion yen). In addition, served as receiver's agent and petitioned for commencement of corporate reorganization proceedings in many reorganization cases.
Appointed as a bankruptcy trustee for Opti Factor Co., Ltd. and seven Group companies (operations related to the issuance of corporate bonds backed by claims for medical fees, etc.) (total debt: 22.7 billion yen). In addition, appointed as the bankruptcy trustee in many bankruptcy proceedings and petitioned for commencement of bankruptcy proceedings for many companies.
Appointed as a supervisor of the civil rehabilitation proceedings for WithOne Company Limited (total debt: 2.52 billion yen). In addition, appointed as the supervisor in many civil rehabilitation proceedings and petitioned for commencement of many civil rehabilitation proceedings.
Served as a court appointed liquidator for liquidation with the Tokyo branch closure of the Royal Bank of Scotland Plc. As well, appointed as the liquidator with closure of the Tokyo branches of many foreign banks.
Negotiated a contract with reconstruction company Japan Airlines Corporation for Sabre Group, Inc. (U.S. travel agent)