General Corporate
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General Corporate

Among our broad range of legal services, our General Corporate Law practice deals with research, analysis, document drafting, and negotiation in addition to providing day-to-day legal advice regarding various legal issues pertaining to the businesses of client companies.

General Corporate Law practice requires legal expertise and experience from a variety of practice areas. The attorneys at City-Yuwa Partners have knowledge and experience in a number of fields, mainly in their respective fields of expertise, and provide adequate legal advice to domestic and foreign, listed and non-listed, large and small-to-midsize companies, according to their industry, circumstances, needs, etc., flexibly collaborating and cooperating with lawyers specializing in other areas of law as necessary.

General commercial transactions are another important field of practice in General Corporate Law and City-Yuwa provides legal services for domestic and international transactions, among others, drafting and negotiating contracts in a range of transactions required for business operations, including basic purchase and sale agreements, distributorship agreements, license agreements, franchise agreements, joint development agreements, agreements in connection with overseas trade, joint venture agreements and service agreements. For international transactions, City-Yuwa has established strong relationships with members of such associations as the World Law Group and the Pacific Rim Advisory Council (PRAC) and also utilizes the individual networks of its attorneys to meet the needs of its clients (please refer to International Transactions for details).

For clients such as Japanese branch offices of foreign entities and startups, City-Yuwa provides legal services to satisfy the needs of these entities at every level, from incorporation, issuance of shares, to document drafting and providing advice relating to various internal regulations and contract forms, conducting shareholders meetings and board of directors meetings, financing, reorganization and dissolution.

City-Yuwa is also equipped to provide comprehensive services to client companies on a one-stop basis, with our judicial scriveners who have extensive knowledge and experience relating to commercial registration, working together with our attorneys for various registrations including atypical issues.

In addition to the above services, for advice on the Companies Act to domestic listed companies, please see Corporate Governance and Shareholders’ Meetings.

The full spectrum of City-Yuwa’s General Corporate Law practice includes Mergers and Acquisitions, Antitrust and Competition, Labor and Employment, Regulatory, Tax, Intellectual Property and Information Technology, Compliance, and other fields of practice. Please refer to each column for details.

Attorneys handling this practices


Made recommendations to listed companies from a legal perspective when considering new businesses.
Advised on manufacturing consignment agreements with overseas companies.
Provided advice to a sponsor of motor sports with respect to rights of publicity and copyrights.
Advised a Japanese food company on the conclusion of a franchise agreement with a major South Korean franchisee.
Advised on the plan of the acquisition of a company engaging in the Type II Financial Instrument Business.
Advised on the acquisition plans of a listed company.
Advised on the acquisition of Japanese companies by overseas companies (U.S.A.).
Advised on corporate law-related matters, such as the creation of various business contracts between companies, shares, and organizational restructuring.

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Practices of General Corporate